Sustainability. That’s the key word here. How can we ensure that our town will continue to grow and thrive into the next decade and beyond? We make sure we have a vision for our critical infrastructure needs and a plan for how to pay for it all.
Keys to success include regionalization with our other Outer Cape communities, tapping into rural development opportunities, and harnessing the green bond market for our environmental and climate change-related projects.
Today’s needs include faster and more dependable internet service, reliable cell phone reception, pier maintenance and harbor development, and waste water expansion to support our housing needs and conversion of all Title V septic systems to hook ups on the sewer lines. Note: One of the key, immediate vulnerabilities to sea level rise is septic systems failure, and the resulting ground water and soil pollution. So we need to not only provide the capacity, but also the financial support to those who may need support with making the transition.
In the not too distant future, thanks to climate change impact, we will need to focus on energy and communications security (bury the lines so that we are no longer vulnerable to outages due to storms), alternative energy development to decrease our 100% reliance on power coming from the mainland (creation of a micro-grid), food and water security, and emergency management and preparedness.
Each of these needs, and more, will depend upon both building the political will to get things done, and having a plan for action including development and financing.