Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Initiative
In 2018 when I was newly elected to the Select Board, I proposed a Provincetown Human Rights Commission to address concerns of our community members, both in town and issues that arose when they traveled to other areas of the Cape. The idea was tabled by the Board.
Then this past year when racial justice issues came to the fore nationwide, I reintroduced this idea in the form of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee for the town. It was put on the agenda and discussed, and then I refined the idea – I drafted a policy memo and then reached out to the PLOVR group to ask if they were interested in reviewing my proposal and making suggestions. We ended up going through the proposal line-by-line, and some very important suggestions were added to the memo.
However, the group asked that those doing the heavy lifting of DEI work be properly compensated, and they asked for a full-time employee in town hall to center the work. We talked about the options for creating such a request, and they decided on a citizen-led petition for this year’s Town Meeting Warrant. The group then met with the assistant town manager and he worked with them to draft the resolution as a 2 1/2 override in order to fund the proposed Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
The current DEI proposal includes both the DEI Committee, as I recommended, and the Office of DEI as drafted by the PLOVR group. These would be complementary efforts, as the committee would provide an advisory support to the DEI Office, and would assist in community outreach.
The Committee proposal:
Move that the Select Board create a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee to serve as a Subcommittee to the Select Board with the purpose of making policy recommendations as outlined below.
Mission Statement:
The Committee shall support and promote social, racial, and cultural equity, diversity, and inclusion in the Town of Provincetown, in both the public and private sectors, in recognition that these values form a critical cornerstone of a just, healthy, compassionate, and vibrant community.
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEIC) shall be charged to enhance, encourage, and promote actions of the town and community of Provincetown that value diversity, pursue racial equity, and foster inclusion
The DEIC will work to develop recommendations for policy and actions that nurture these core values and will be guided by the overarching charge of advocating for our collective and individual human and civil rights.
The Provincetown Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee shall endeavor to identify areas where improvement may be warranted, and make recommendations to the Select Board such that the Town:
Provides a welcoming and safe environment to all who live in or visit the Town by promoting a standard of inclusion, cooperation, and respect in every area of civic life.
Strives for a community characterized by inclusion and non-discrimination, which actively and equally engages and values all persons regardless of their identity (e.g., race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, pregnancy, religion, physical and mental capabilities, age, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, employment status, immigration status, or socioeconomic status). It shall also critically consider intersectionalities among these groups to facilitate understanding and equity.
Encourages and fosters diverse engagement and participation in all parts of town governance, addressing standards of respect and codification of policies that makes for a just community allowing for the contributions of all.
Develops strategies to reduce and correct economic and social inequalities that ensure more equitable access to opportunities.
Responsibilities of the Committee shall include, but are not limited to:
Improve community trust and participation in town government by offering more options for diverse community members to be included in local government initiatives. This includes outreach to provide education on how town governance works and efforts to reach all residents when community participation is warranted.
Improve Town communications and engagement with underrepresented groups in the community.
Facilitate Town Hall discussion among town residents about issues of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Gather information from members of the community, making sure to outreach to underrepresented groups, to explore where improvements are needed in DEI areas in the public and private sectors.
Committee Makeup:
The Committee shall be comprised of a diverse group of a minimum of seven (7) and a maximum of fifteen (15) community members, including at least one youth representative (21 or under). Members shall be appointed to staggered three-year terms except for the youth representative who shall be appointed to a one (1) year term. One member of the Select Board and one member of the police department shall serve as liaisons to the Committee.
Vacancies shall be filled by the Select Board at the recommendation of the DEIC. Appointments will be for two-year terms.
The Committee shall meet with the Select Board on a regular basis (to be determined).
The committee shall be subject to the requirements of the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law. Committee members shall be mindful of their attendance obligations at committee meetings as identified in the Town of Provincetown guidance for boards and committees.