Climate Change
In order to begin the work of visioning our climate-prepared future and ensure the prioritization of natural resources protection I have proposed Article 18 on the Town Meeting warrant which states:
Article 18. General Bylaw Amendment: Town’s Policy Regarding Coastal Resilience and Natural Resource Protection (Deletions shown in strike-through and new text shown as underlined.) To see if the Town will vote to amend the Provincetown General Bylaws by adding the following section to Chapter 6 as follows: 6-11. Town’s Policy Regarding Climate Change and Natural Resource Protection. It shall be the Town’s Policy that all considerations within Town governance shall include an evaluation of the effect that climate change, coastal resiliency and natural resource protection will have on those decisions, policies and projects. or to take any other action relative thereto.
Under the auspices of the Economic Stabilization and Sustainability Committee that I have spearheaded on the Select Board, I have been working to develop an opportunity for Provincetown with the Taubman Center for State and Local Government at my alma mater, the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
Provincetown will serve as a case study for two connected programs, one in the Fall of 2021, and the second in Spring 2022. The proposed focus of the work is climate change impact on our community.
Town manager Alex Morse has come on board with the proposal as the lead town staff, and I will serve as community liaison.
There are currently three opportunities outlined and in development:
1) Rappaport Fellow assigned to Provincetown for the 2021 summer (fully funded) to begin the mapping work.
2) Work with Prof. Justin de Benedictis-Kessner and his Fall 2021 field study group
3) Work with Prof. Bilmes for the Spring 2022 field study group
These co-working opportunities will utilize Provincetown as a case study and the students would operate in the manner of consultants to provide in-depth research and propose potential solutions.
Examples of areas of mutual interest (and our need) include but are not limited to green infrastructure/bonds, development of climate change resiliency solutions/mapping and prioritization, and the social-political work necessary to make these potentially large-scale adaptations (de Benedictis-Kessner) and how to financially plan for and fund such projects (Bilmes).
Congressman Seth Moulton has been working with the group on a number of projects for the Salem area and highly recommends this partnership.
More information to follow on this exciting opportunity!